Mailing System
Office Equipment
Banking Equipment
Addressing Machine
Security Equipment


The right information to the right people at the right time
This was and will always be the main principle of any Kern system. The observance of this basic was also the aim when developing the Multimailer. An inserting system which will match the requirements of the 90's. The optical reading, the control system to monitor the whole paper flow as well as the fact that Kern AG develops and produces every module, guarantee the security of your documents. In addition Kern manufactures its own micro-computer control to ensure that the Kern Multimailer will meet your security demands.
  Mailing System


Various advancements and new developments have led the high output rate of the Multimailer, e.g. high stacking capacity at the folding and feeding stations and at the envelope stations. Quantity level checks at all stations. Continuous electronic speed adjustment. Permanent communication between the operator and the Kern Multimailer V.D.U. High production quality of each module.

The Kern Multimailer concept is based on a well-proven modular design. Each module contains its own drive and intelligence. The modular design both mechanical and electronic allows for extension of other functions subsequent to installation thus to match customer's changing requirements in the field of E.D.P. output processing.

Automatic traying of filled envelopes
- Automatic reconciliation of filled envelopes providing a security verification from printed forms to envelopes processed
- LMO, PCCS, SIEDOCS etc. - Kern offers you the solution for networking the system K2500.

Megamailer Kern 3000

The Megamailer Kern 3000 - the fastest mailing system in the world- providing a new dimension in mailing technology at the Deutsche Telekom Data Processing Centre in Dusseldrof. Every month the centre despatch 11 million telephone bills and over 400,000 reminders in the Dusseldorf and surrounding areas. High performance mailing possible only by the latest inserting technology from Kern.

For more information, please visit : www.kern.ch

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